Monday 1 April 2013

So Why Whiteadder?

Why call myself Whiteadder? Well, as nommes de plume go, it's not bad, not quite as distinguished as "Sparse Grey Hackle" perhaps, but then I'm not in his league. Whiteadder is the username I chose for a whole raft of online forums, a lot of which are fishing related. It was on the Whiteadder Water that I caught my first wild trout when learning to fish as a teenager, living just a long-ish cast from the river.

  © Copyright David Sanderson and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

It was in this pool, just below Cumledge, or Preston, Bridge on a size 20 Tupp's Indispensable fished upstream into the slack water just below the rock on which the bridge footings stand. And I can't for the life of me remember the date!

As it happens that was the first and only fish I caught from the river. Life got in the way and I was kept away from fishing until 2001, when I caught my second fish, but - that's another story.

..and that's why I chose to be Whiteadder!

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